Sunday, January 8, 2012

"Blue Moon"

Review - "Blue Moon" by Rowena Sudbury

This caught me by surprise!

Very Highly Recommended

Brad Fraser is young man floating through life.  He is a success on the B level wrestling circuit, but allows his restlessness to get him in trouble.  His latest mistake - allowing a drug dealing bully on the tour to use him a little too roughly.  Because that's what Bruiser does - traded drugs for sex and favors.

Until Scott O'Doul steps in and makes a deal.  He will take Brad under his wing and maintain the illusion of control, and in exchange Brad will have Scott's protection.  Scott will use him for pleasure, their mutual pleasure. 

This arrangement works well for over a year.  They have fun, pleasure, a good time.

But is that all it is?

This is a very short tale, but OH so effective.  I have read novels ten times the length that did not touch me one tenth as much.  The two men are drawn so sharply, and there is a tight, controlled sense of wonder to this fantastic story.

Because this is a story about how love is about belonging rather than control.  Surrender means strength not weakness.  And two men can fall into love if only they allow themselves.

Beautifully written.  Short and so very very sweet.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Tom,

    Thanks so much for this tremendous made me melt! I linked it at

    I'm always pleased when people "get" my intent with a story, and you certainly did!

